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A human expedition by a dedicated team.

Seedling follow-up 2022

Season 2022

This year, once again, we go directly to the follow-up of the plantations. As in previous years, about 300 varieties are planted. For eggplants and tomatoes, 100% of the plants are grafted, but for peppers and chillies, the test of grafting on the latter, last year, was not at all conclusive...
2022-09-18: Exhibition in Clermont-Ferrand for "L'Etonnant Festin". The sun was there and the public too...
2022-09-10: the harvests are shrinking like a skin in spite of the return of rainfall. The graining is almost finished for tomatoes, eggplants and peppers are still to be treated, the latter being slow to ripen despite a rather favorable weather.
2022-08-31: after the Brussels escapade, where the festival was a great popular success, back to daily activities. The graining of the repatriated varieties, which suffered a lot from the heat, is finished. The heat and the dryness that continue to prevail announce an early end of the season!
2022-08-23: the peppers on their side answered all present...
2022-08-23: the preparations for the expo of Brussels started unfortunately the elected ones will be little numerous the greenhouses having largely depopulated...
2022-08-20: since the beginning of the stormy episode the rain gauge announces only 44mm... It's still better than nothing but it's far from filling the sources.
2022-08-17: the time has come to make a small retrospective of the big sizes of the season... considering the state of the plants at the moment we are not able to hope for more...
2022-08-14: finally the rain is back, 18mm this morning!
2022-08-12: the first effects of the watering deprivation are already visible on the weakest plants, some of which have been purely and simply pulled out! The level of the harvest has dropped sharply which in a way is not bad, thus relieving the daily workload.
2022-08-09: since the beginning of the month it is forbidden to water!... it was to be expected with 1,2mm of rainfall in July! It goes without saying that the plants did not appreciate the change of regime and the yellow replaced the green... As for the harvest, the peak of production has passed, for more than a week it was more than 50 kilos of fruits that had to be picked and treated daily.
2022-07-30: the heat wave is over and we are entitled to cooler nights again. On the other hand, the lack of precipitations is becoming alarming... the production is at its maximum, about 40 kilos of fruits are harvested daily, needless to say that the graining is in full swing! Some fruits have been damaged by the sun rays and have yellowed shoulders for the tomatoes and for the peppers it's even worse because they are completely burnt.
2022-07-23: the production is finally launched but the prolongation of the heat wave and especially the lack of precipitations let foresee a continuation of delicate season! Already some tomato plants are starting to turn yellow because of the excess heat, on the other hand eggplants are taking advantage of this excess producing in profusion...
2022-07-16: gently the fruits arrive at maturity, the current heat stroke undoubtedly plays a role of accelerator, however let us hope that this last will not be amplified too much!
2022-07-13: Still few tomatoes...
This year is shaping up to be a very good year for peppers and eggplants. By mid-July the harvest is already higher than last year!
2022-07-10: the fruiting is done slowly but surely by the end of next week the harvest will be more consistent.
2022-07-07: still very few tomatoes to harvest!... Peppers and eggplants are more generous and especially earlier...
2022-06-29: first harvests! paradoxically it is the peppers and eggplants that produce first thanks to a warm weather and especially less cool nights than the previous years.
2022-06-22: first harvest of peppers is exceptional for the end of June!
2022-06-17: The peppers offer us a beautiful palette of colors.
2022-06-10: the plants profit at high speed thanks to a rather favorable weather.
2022-05-24: most of the bell pepper plants have already formed fruits which is a good sign. To avoid any accidental crossing the plants have been covered with an organza bag.
2021-05-17: end of the installation of the last plants in the various greenhouses.
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A human expedition by a dedicated team.
Delivery times vary according to the number of orders we receive. We do our utmost to send you orders as quickly as possible. Behind each seed, a passionate team, a passionate gardener and a tomato story :-)
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